A trial is carried out to see exactly what you will look like on your big day. This is the opportunity to try different shades and see if they work for you. We can swap shades, add shades, darken colours, lighten colours and so on. If the skin and appearance of the face looks different on the wedding day than on the trial then the makeup will appear different. Below I have listed a few points to help you prepare for your trial....
If you’re thinking of having a tan for your wedding day I would recommend having it for your trial as makeup on non tanned skin looks different to makeup on tanned skin. We may also need to adjust the colours so it works with tanned skin, therefore the makeup will look different on your wedding day.
If you’re getting your brows/lashes done for your wedding they should be done for your trial if possible so you can see the whole look. Always go to someone you have used before as brows can take months to grow back if over waxed/threaded.
You need to really start taking care of your skin, using spf every day and night a cream. Exfoliating is a must to ensure there are no dry patches on the skin as makeup will cling to it. I would recommend to start exfoliating once a week and see how your skin tolerates this, if there is still persistent dry skin then increase it to twice a week and no more than three times a week. If your skin is getting red from exfoliation drop back down to once a week or if you’re seeing great results from once a week then continue with this.
If you have dry lips then its important to start using a lip blam throughout the day. Applying extra before bed is useful as you wont be eating or drinking so the balm can do its job. It would be also useful to exfoliate the lips if they are particularly dry.
Drink up. Water is a must. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
If your'e having anything on the face waxed make sure you go to someone you know is reliable as the wrong technique can rip the skin or wax that is too hot can burn the skin. This is really difficult to cover up with makeup and takes a long time to heal.
If you have any skin allergies please let me know at the trial. Also if you’d prefer to use your own moisturiser that is also fine but I do have some with me for different skin types. If you have a skin issue and use a certain type of makeup I'd be happy to use that, the only thing I can’t guarantee is the longevity of that product as the products in my kit are selected specifically to be long lasting.
I always allow for two hours for the trial so we can get a look which is perfect for you. It may not take that long but its always good to have the extra time if we need it. I ask that you have makeup free skin so we can get started straight away. I will work closely with you to find out your likes and dislikes and make your makeup dream a reality.
Lastly, enjoy! This is your bridal makeup trial, have fun, relax and lets create the most beautiful look for you and if you have any questions just contact me.